Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dafuq mane

Nevermind the fact that blood is thicker than water, but you're my cousin, and you delete me the DAY of HURRICANE SANDY hitting me. RIGHT when it hits me. What the FUCK? Not only do you delete me the day before a holiday, never mind that, but the DAY of a HURRICANE in the MIDDLE of said hurricane you do this. I could be one of those 39 people reported dead and you wouldn't give a fuck. Why? Because it doesn't matter to you.

So why am I upset? I've had a glass of bourban and some beer, and I am thinking about it and it fucking bothers me and hurts. I do hope you see this or hear about it and I do hope there is a reasonable explanation for this.

Friday, October 5, 2012


That feeling when you're told that you're fat and then blown off for cartoon horses... Yeah... Dafuq...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear Jealous and Insecure

I just wanted to state that you have no right to blast someone else's photos when you do not know them and you're not their friend. Your blonde hair is fake, as you've obviously dyed it one too many times and now your hair is fried. Also, you're doing the "duckface" in your photo, so before you blast mine, please remember, jealousy is a very ugly thing. You're fake, and being fake will not get you a good man. I, on the other hand, am married and fabulous. So, with that being said, please evaluate your social skills before you troll on my account when you do not know me. Girl, I'm probably twice your age, from what I could tell. So, as I bring this to a close, I will conclude this with a bit of this knowledge: The "duckface" is not cute. It is not attractive. It will not make you cool. Instead, it makes you look like a bumbling idiot with no class. Please choose a better pose for your next pic. Another thing, I'm normally a very friendly person. But to make fun of the way I look when you haven't met me, bitch please. You can have your "duckface" and your "swag" and I will have my class and my dignity. 

The bitch you pissed off

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Movin on up, movin on up...To the north side... To a deluxe apartment in the sky. Movin on up, To the north side. We finally got a piece of the pie.

Question: The title of this blog states you're moving, is it true? 
Answer: Yes. We are indeed moving. 
Question: When? Where? What day? Why? How come? 
Answer: We're still gathering the information on the when and on the exact location of where, but it will be in Connecticut. We want to be closer to family, and still have good jobs and be able to live like we're used to. 
Question: Don't you have friends in Maryland? 
Answer: Yes, but we hardly ever see our friends due to everyone's hectic work schedule, however CT is only 3½ hours away from Maryland, so we will still come around. 
Question: How come you didn't tell me? 
Answer: I'm not intending on keeping this from anyone. I've been busy and we're working on all the details. We don't know the exact date as to when this is happening, but we are moving. 
Question: You're not going to forget me are you? 
Answer: No, I never forget my friends. If you have my phone number or FB page, then you will never be forgotten.... You keep contact with me, everything will be fine. 
Question: Why are you moving again? 
Answer: We want to be around family. We want to be closer to family and have a network of family near us. 
Question: What about your family in GA? 
Answer: If I had my way, both mine and Gregs family would live in the same town, but unfortunately they don't, and I love my family to death, but Albany doesn't have anything for us jobwise. Therefore we will be up north where we have both family and financial stability. 

We will certainly miss everyone, but it will most likely be a month or two before we leave. We need to give our landlord 30 days before we vacate the apartment, plus I would need to talk to my job, not to mention we would need to get our things packed and this would take a little bit. (probably at least September or October...) So we still have some time. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

If you don't tame your STANKITUDE, I WILL....

For every action, there is a reaction. For every outburst, there is a mess to clean up. Physical violence often results in harsh consequences, so before you ever put your hands on someone, please keep in mind that there are MANY other people who could do the same to you. 

Now, with that said, I don't like the attitude that comes with these outbursts and I certainly don't take kindly to it. I express my fondness and get cussed out... What. The. FUCK. is your MAJOR MALFUNCTION?! 

Don't get me started on your "malfunctions" because I can assure you, you don't want me to put you on blast like that. Oh, OH, and listen to this: Your threats?? ...THEY don't WORK... Don't make me laugh... Sometimes I wanna laugh at you when you yell... Sometimes I wanna troll you BECAUSE you get mad over STUPID shit. Don't like something? Don't cuss someone out over it, just tell me. I might have the ability to see spirits and hauntings and I might get premonitions from time to time, but that does NOT make me a mind reader. You're really gonna act that way over something small. 

Your priorities are a bit fucked up anyways.  You put videogames over your own family. You get mad about "being woken up" when you weren't even asleep to begin with, you just didn't wanna stop playing your game to do anything else. Let me tell you something. if you prioritized ANYTHING half as much as you prioritize your games, you might be a little more organized and know a little more about what's going on around you. You're not retarded, forgetful, or ignorant, you just act like that to get away with shit. You're a grown ass man now. You're not 15 anymore. Life isn't ALL about your videogames. I'm trying my best to be there for you when no one else understands you, but you're pushing the ONE person who stands by your side through EVERY fucking thing away over stupid trivial shit. Keep your stankitude to yourself, I don't want it. 

You better come correct before you talk to me, because with that stank ass noise you have, I don't wanna deal with you. Fucking gonna shove me into a wall, you're fucking LUCKY I'm not a violent person or one of those bitches who presses charges over that shit. 

That's okay, you're lactose intolerant... I will just feed you dairy products... 

Saturday, May 26, 2012


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. 
The horn on the bus goes "beep beep beep", beep beep beep, beep beep beep, the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep, all through the town. 
The kids on the bus go WHEEE WHEEE WHEEE, WHEE WHEE WHEE, WHEEE WHEE WHEEE, the kids on the bus go WHEE WHEEE WHEEE all through the town. 

The bitch on the bus goes.... SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just a little something...

They say that if you care about someone, you will do everything you can to be there for them. I just want to say I love my parents, my grandparents, my cousins, etc. I also want to say I love Greg's family. They are the best. 

I want to get a little something off my chest. Yeah, I know, this is public. I don't care. You don't care enough about me to even acknowledge my existence or my getting married, so I don't care that this is public. I'm not going to use profanity to get my point across. I don't need to do that. I think I can do it just fine without. 

"You actually went to her wedding?" They're MY family, of COURSE they're going to go, why would they not? They actually care. What? Do I not deserve to have family there? Great to see what you think about me. It's obviously not much. You probably forgot how I'm even related to you. You are the ONLY one who has not shown any interest in my getting married, my life, or my existence. 

I will admit, I was a little miffed that you didn't acknowledge my getting married, but you had the audacity to ask why my family went to my wedding. You don't want a niece do you? The least you could have did was send a card, phone call, or anything.  Why am I upset? Well, let me tell you why. The little tension you share with other family members has nothing to do with me, because I am not directly involved in it, but I get shunned for no apparent reason. Of course that's going to make me upset. You missed out on a good wedding, I have you know. You missed out on the best day and missed out on meeting the best family in the world. I have had no issues with you prior to this, but this just bothers me. I had to get that off my chest. With this, I bid you good day.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Get your Stankitude out my house sir.

For a month, we have been having issues with our maintenance people not doing their job. And today they said they would be here this morning. They did not show. So we called them. The landlord calls us back with an attitude saying "You've called our maintenance guys for the same problem 3 times now this month, next time you call them, we're gonna charge you" No, fuck that. It is not our fault the garbage disposal keeps going up. We don't put things we're not supposed to in it. If they would fix it right the first time, we wouldn't continue to call to get our shit fixed. This has to be one of the most ghetto places I've ever lived in. And I've lived in some pretty ghetto places. 

We are your residents. We PAY you so we can live here, but a part of us PAYING $800 a month goes to when something breaks, maintenance is there to fix it since yall pitch a shit fit and flip a bitch switch when we try to fix shit ourselves. 

I can't wait til we make enough to get something BETTER because once we do, we're hauling ass... Matter of fact, I know of a place close by to here I fell in love with. The rent there is not much more than what we pay here.... >_> And they're a LOT nicer... 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Correct Yourself

I know you ain't coming to me with that stank ass mess of an attitude. You better stop right there, turn around, and correct yourself before I show you what a stank ass attitude really is.

I'm not the quiet little doormat that puts up with shit anymore. I've learned how to take up for myself and trust me, you don't want to release the kracken who lives within this soul. I might be loving, kind, and friendly, but I can be just as mean, nasty, and cold as you can.

Insult me, call me a bitch, and try your hardest to hurt me. In the end, you will be the one feeling the pain. You need to learn to cherish those around you. When people try to help, you need not get an attitude, take their advice and STFU. Forreals. Also exaggerations piss me off. Don't exaggerate something to try to make it sound worse than it really is. Be honest.

Before you go and say shit that might come around and bite you in the ass later, remember that although you might not remember saying what you said, I do. My memory isn't as bad as yours. I don't miraculously forget what I wish I could. Be careful what you say before you say it. You might want to start being a little more mindful of others.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So I've been sick for the past 4 days. I know I'm getting better because of the meds, but its still a pain in my ass.

My day off will be spent folding laundry and cleaning more shit. Yay *sarcasm*

I've been missing my homies like hell lately. I should plan a trip to go see them all soon. As well as my family. Miss them too.

There's nothing I enjoy more than a boring saturday with nothing to do... #notreally.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Let me first start off by this cute little introduction. This is my rant blog. From time to time, you will see some explosions come from this page. If you do, I am probably angry and ranting about something. Or something probably exploded. There aren't too many things that piss me off, but there are a few things that annoy the piss out of me. You may find them here as well. Last night, I actually rose my voice for the first time in a long time to be heard. I felt bad, but it had to be done. Everything is fine now, that I clearly got my point across. Anyways, welcome to the bus, it's gonna be a long trip, so SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!