Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear Jealous and Insecure

I just wanted to state that you have no right to blast someone else's photos when you do not know them and you're not their friend. Your blonde hair is fake, as you've obviously dyed it one too many times and now your hair is fried. Also, you're doing the "duckface" in your photo, so before you blast mine, please remember, jealousy is a very ugly thing. You're fake, and being fake will not get you a good man. I, on the other hand, am married and fabulous. So, with that being said, please evaluate your social skills before you troll on my account when you do not know me. Girl, I'm probably twice your age, from what I could tell. So, as I bring this to a close, I will conclude this with a bit of this knowledge: The "duckface" is not cute. It is not attractive. It will not make you cool. Instead, it makes you look like a bumbling idiot with no class. Please choose a better pose for your next pic. Another thing, I'm normally a very friendly person. But to make fun of the way I look when you haven't met me, bitch please. You can have your "duckface" and your "swag" and I will have my class and my dignity. 

The bitch you pissed off