Saturday, May 26, 2012


The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. 
The horn on the bus goes "beep beep beep", beep beep beep, beep beep beep, the horn on the bus goes beep beep beep, all through the town. 
The kids on the bus go WHEEE WHEEE WHEEE, WHEE WHEE WHEE, WHEEE WHEE WHEEE, the kids on the bus go WHEE WHEEE WHEEE all through the town. 

The bitch on the bus goes.... SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just a little something...

They say that if you care about someone, you will do everything you can to be there for them. I just want to say I love my parents, my grandparents, my cousins, etc. I also want to say I love Greg's family. They are the best. 

I want to get a little something off my chest. Yeah, I know, this is public. I don't care. You don't care enough about me to even acknowledge my existence or my getting married, so I don't care that this is public. I'm not going to use profanity to get my point across. I don't need to do that. I think I can do it just fine without. 

"You actually went to her wedding?" They're MY family, of COURSE they're going to go, why would they not? They actually care. What? Do I not deserve to have family there? Great to see what you think about me. It's obviously not much. You probably forgot how I'm even related to you. You are the ONLY one who has not shown any interest in my getting married, my life, or my existence. 

I will admit, I was a little miffed that you didn't acknowledge my getting married, but you had the audacity to ask why my family went to my wedding. You don't want a niece do you? The least you could have did was send a card, phone call, or anything.  Why am I upset? Well, let me tell you why. The little tension you share with other family members has nothing to do with me, because I am not directly involved in it, but I get shunned for no apparent reason. Of course that's going to make me upset. You missed out on a good wedding, I have you know. You missed out on the best day and missed out on meeting the best family in the world. I have had no issues with you prior to this, but this just bothers me. I had to get that off my chest. With this, I bid you good day.  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Get your Stankitude out my house sir.

For a month, we have been having issues with our maintenance people not doing their job. And today they said they would be here this morning. They did not show. So we called them. The landlord calls us back with an attitude saying "You've called our maintenance guys for the same problem 3 times now this month, next time you call them, we're gonna charge you" No, fuck that. It is not our fault the garbage disposal keeps going up. We don't put things we're not supposed to in it. If they would fix it right the first time, we wouldn't continue to call to get our shit fixed. This has to be one of the most ghetto places I've ever lived in. And I've lived in some pretty ghetto places. 

We are your residents. We PAY you so we can live here, but a part of us PAYING $800 a month goes to when something breaks, maintenance is there to fix it since yall pitch a shit fit and flip a bitch switch when we try to fix shit ourselves. 

I can't wait til we make enough to get something BETTER because once we do, we're hauling ass... Matter of fact, I know of a place close by to here I fell in love with. The rent there is not much more than what we pay here.... >_> And they're a LOT nicer...