Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Correct Yourself

I know you ain't coming to me with that stank ass mess of an attitude. You better stop right there, turn around, and correct yourself before I show you what a stank ass attitude really is.

I'm not the quiet little doormat that puts up with shit anymore. I've learned how to take up for myself and trust me, you don't want to release the kracken who lives within this soul. I might be loving, kind, and friendly, but I can be just as mean, nasty, and cold as you can.

Insult me, call me a bitch, and try your hardest to hurt me. In the end, you will be the one feeling the pain. You need to learn to cherish those around you. When people try to help, you need not get an attitude, take their advice and STFU. Forreals. Also exaggerations piss me off. Don't exaggerate something to try to make it sound worse than it really is. Be honest.

Before you go and say shit that might come around and bite you in the ass later, remember that although you might not remember saying what you said, I do. My memory isn't as bad as yours. I don't miraculously forget what I wish I could. Be careful what you say before you say it. You might want to start being a little more mindful of others.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So I've been sick for the past 4 days. I know I'm getting better because of the meds, but its still a pain in my ass.

My day off will be spent folding laundry and cleaning more shit. Yay *sarcasm*

I've been missing my homies like hell lately. I should plan a trip to go see them all soon. As well as my family. Miss them too.

There's nothing I enjoy more than a boring saturday with nothing to do... #notreally.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Let me first start off by this cute little introduction. This is my rant blog. From time to time, you will see some explosions come from this page. If you do, I am probably angry and ranting about something. Or something probably exploded. There aren't too many things that piss me off, but there are a few things that annoy the piss out of me. You may find them here as well. Last night, I actually rose my voice for the first time in a long time to be heard. I felt bad, but it had to be done. Everything is fine now, that I clearly got my point across. Anyways, welcome to the bus, it's gonna be a long trip, so SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!